MW LED Grow Light 10 W LED Plant Light for Indoor Hydroponic Plants,for Growing Fresh Herbs, Vegetables, Salad Greens, Flowers
MW LED Grow Light is scientifically engineered to keep the balance of the PAR output and coverage MW LED Grow Light by 18-24 inches,at least 18" will have had great success, MW LED Grow Light Round shape w9.6cm x H46 cm MW LED Grow Light Power:10w; Adapter Input 120v; Output...
MW LED Grow Light is scientifically engineered to keep the balance of the PAR output and coverage MW LED Grow Light by 18-24 inches,at least 18" will have had great success, MW LED Grow Light Round shape w9.6cm x H46 cm MW LED Grow Light Power:10w; Adapter Input 120v; Output 12v; 1A
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